Kyriakos Hadjiphilippou


My journey into yoga began in 2005 on kho Pang Kan Island, where I first practiced in nature with Michael & Kirsten The experience felt unique and deeply different from any other workshop I had attended, sparking a profound connection within me. At the time, I was primarily focused on sports, but yoga introduced me to a new way of experiencing life.

I continued to explore yoga while traveling, returning to Thailand to practice at Kho Pang Kan Island with David Ridgway. In 2010, I ventured to Goa, India, where I had the opportunity to practice with Rolf. It was during this time that my life began to shift, I found yoga helping me to become more gentle and mindful. The intense lifestyle I once led started to change as yoga opened my eyes to the simple, joinable aspects of life, beyond the pursuit of a specific lifestyle I had been taught as a child.

By 2013, I felt a growing desire to share the benefits of yoga with lsothers. I began teaching Ashtanga yoga, and in 2016, I founded Ashtanga Nicosia – Yoga Center my own shala. Since then, I have been teaching Mysore style yoga every morning, continuing to grow in my practice and guide others on their journeys.

Ashtanga Yoga – Authorised Teacher by SYC

Kyriakos H



Simone teaches Hatha Vinyasa, working with foundational postures that will give students a core practice that they can build on as they progress. She aims to create a movement experience that connects dynamic asana, meditation, visualisation and breath to move you into a place of deep restoration and purification. She guides you through your body while emphasising concentration in the mind. Her classes aimed at being a safe container where movement becomes a ritual expression for the release of stagnant energy. Her intention is to educate in a way that is simple yet powerfully effective both on and off the mat. Simone cultivates intimate synergetic relationships with her students that becomes the basis of a rich practice.

In 2019 she trained with her teacher Talia Sutra and received her 200hr certification. Since then, participating in Yoga Alliance Continued Education trainings including ‘The Method: Backbending’ with Talia Sutra and ‘Adjustments & Assists’ with Ginghi Lee. Her experience in teaching began in the vibrant neighbourhoods of North East London where she explored many bodies and capabilities within a very loud and demanding city. At the beginning of 2023, she felt a significant cycle had come to an end and travelled to Costa Rica where she taught in various spaces. Finally, returning to Cyprus after 8 years to root and grow from the ground up.